Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The 3 words that made this place popular
After more than 20 years I have finally went back to the place that reminds me of my happy childhood memories. This is where our family usually go for picnics. And me, as a young child was so excited and contented to be here. Now, its my time to bring my family here.

Djuzamdjin's favorite fastfood...(i think every kid does)
We started the day with a brunch (breakfast / lunch). Mother promised Dju we'd eat at his favorite place today. After the meal, I withdrew Php 400.00 from my ATM account. That's my budget for this trip. We went to Bonifacio corner Bangoy (formerly Ponciano Reyes) Sts., that's the nearest spot for us to hail a jeepney going to Ma-a. From that point up to Ma-a - Diversion crossing, per person will be charged P13.00 fare.

Phoenix Gas Station in Ma-a - Diversion Roads crossing
Phoenix Gas Station is our stop landmark. This is also where we could chance for a pedicab or take a habal-habal (single motorcycle) to GAP Farm. We could actually walk from here to the farm but the sun was so arrogant that day, showing off its heat power. So, we chose to commute. It's I believe less than a kilometer  (I'm not so good in estimating distance). Walking is obviously free, fare is at P10.00 per person.

You will be welcomed by the largest urinating carabao (water buffalo)
Adults and kids pay P30.00 per person for entrance fee. The Largest Urinating Carabao welcomes guests upon entry. The Carabao or Water Buffalo urinates when it rains, perhaps due to the cold weather. There are those who misunderstood this place and find it weird with all its mixed stuff, but the place is actually designed for an educational tour especially for toddlers, kinders and even those in the primary level of school.

Philippine Animal Statues
First thing to see is the Parade of some Philippine Animals, both wild and tame. When kids see there statues, I believe they'd be more happy to ride the animals than learn.

The resort canteen
When you feel like you need to fill your tanks, well they have this cozy place. The cashier is also located here if you want to swim in their junior sized olympic pool, or ride the horse or canga (kang.ga - usually a sled being pulled by a carabao, or newer versions uses tires for quicker mobility).

yummy burgers
They serve food from breakfast to snacks. The farm closes at 5:00 P.M. You could eat here, or have it by the pool side. Here's a glimpse at the pool.

Junior Size Olympic Pool
Pool side tables
The pool is just a steps below the canteen. They only charge P60.00 for the use of pool with a really minimal fees for the use of poolside tables or cottages.

Now, let's take a walk and see what we see...

From the canteen down
The Zen Garden
The Bridge of Reconciliation
The Grotto
Miracle Water flowing out of the Grotto
kids' playground -- a slide!
A family of Carabaos
Swing for the kids and the kids at heart
see-saw action
Parade of Indigenous Tribes of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Dju trying to figure out his new friends
Ati from a Visayan Tribe
Baluga, a tribe from Luzon
Dju making friends with a friendly concrete
The WWII Japanese Tunnel

The Cave Entrance
Guardian of the Cave (photo taken with flash)
The Red-eyed Cyclops (sore eyes?)
To the exit...where there is light, there is a way!
Picnic Tables

Picnic tables near the kids playground.
Picnic table above the Japanese Tunnel
Picnic tables under the shed of trees
Picnic tables beside the trees
The sunken Juan Tamad (Lazy Juan)

The idle hand grasping for help
More help!
Philippine Folklore : Engkantos

They are more likely to be called Engkantos (enchanted creatures) than Multo (ghost)

Ang Manananggal  -- usually a woman who's torso separates from the lower body and grows wings and fly to hunt for human victims.
Kapre -- a giant who smokes tobacco and lives on tree tops.
Ang Kamatayan -- The Death
Now, we go back down because we promised little Dju we'd let him ride a real horse. Whew! its a really steep steps down.

The steep steps...well, a little steep.
Riding the Range! P75.00 for 15 minutes.

Robin the Horse
A very excited Dju endures the heat of the sun.
Finally, a contented Dju ready to go home.
Lets see how much of the P400.00 I withdrew was spent. Break it down!

Fare from Downtown to Ma-a (2 pax) P26.00; Ma-a to GAP Farm (2 pax) P20.00; Entrance Fee (3 pax) P90.00; Mineral Water (3 bottles) P60.00; Cave Fee (3 pax) P30.00; Horse Back Riding (P75.00); GAP Farm to Ma-a (2 pax) P20.00; Ma-a to Downtown P26.00 = P347.00

Well, its not much...this place is worth the visit for such a low price.

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